Thursday, September 10, 2009


2 grueling weeks is finally coming to an end!!! How wonderful!!!

I've been busy completeing assignments, preparing a very important person's birthday, rushing to finish up my children's Term 3 activity book and some random stuffs which I can't even recall. Absolutely draining me out. As much as I hate to say this but I'm really a 10hr sleeper; the recommended 8hrs has never been quite sufficient to keep me re- energized after a hard day's work. However, for the past 2 weeks, I've been way behind recommended sleeping hour what more my body's requirement of 10hr sleep. Yesterday was the worst. I only slept like 2hrs. So, I'll probably fall asleep pretty soon. Can't wait for the weekends to come and follow- by my Monday and Tuesday OFFs!! Yippie.

Will be staying in Fairmount with Chao Ta over the weekends. It's his birthday gift, together with a Man U Jersey which he requested la. Well, although I'm a working adult, but my miserable pay is pathetically saved up, SO I DID PRESENT U AN EXPENSIVE K!! I totally busted my budget on this one. So please love me more and close one eye about the pimple cream I 'tricked' you into buying... Hahahahahah!!! COS I'm DEAD BROKE. :P

Off to bed..

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